unifi dynamic ip
19216811 or1921681123 or 1921681101 if can keep away the ip from auto ip range mean some router can set ip range from 19216812 to 192168150 so those auto ip will get between those number. In the controller navigate to Settings Services Dynamic DNS Create new dynamic DNS. Easy Unifi Site To Site Vpn Youtube Take note of the subdomain if any ex. . We will see how easy it is to configure and test. Switch configvlan 20 ip helper-address 192168130. Should be something like this Havent used HP long time. Create a new Unifi client to hold your reservation. Unifi Controller Setup Dynamic DNS If you havent already you should set up dynamic dns so the you can find the IP address when it changes. Depending on your setup optionally add the following additional configuration. Select the Site to Site VPN and use Manual IPsec for the protocol. Choose a secret key. Specify what WAN IP you will use. Switch